A Letter to You

Friends and Family,

We’re finally here.

A project two years in the making, our clothing brand is finally ready. 

Welcome to Crashing.

Crashing started as a simple basketball scouting show in spring 2021, then morphed into a full-on website called Crashing Hoops, complete with in-depth NBA draft analysis from some of our smartest friends, and a merchandise line to go with it.

The project was a creative outlet for us.  Jordan was a recent graduate trying to find his lane in adulthood.  Evan was looking for a distraction from a battle with depression and anxiety.

As Jordan continued growing in the media space, Evan’s attention shifted to the clothing side and the design process became therapeutic. As such, the brand and the idea for a full clothing line, separate from the basketball side of our business, was formed.

The project has had its ups and downs and was ultimately put on the backburner in 2022 after Evan jumped into a new career in higher education.

But now, in a much better headspace, and as Evan’s summer break nears its midpoint, we’ve picked the ball back up and we’re hurling it toward the basket, finally launching Crashing in all its glory.

For the first three months following this launch, EVERY SINGLE PENNY we make from sales will be donated to The Kevin Love Fund as a nod to our brand’s roots in basketball, as well as our passion for mental health awareness and resources.

From kevinlovefund.org: “Kevin established the Kevin Love Fund (KLF) to inspire people to live their healthiest lives while providing tools for both mental and physical health."

Moving forward, our brand will always support efforts to improve the lives of others through mental health awareness, resources, and programs.

Thank you all for your love and support. We love you all.

Jordan Foote and Evan Skilliter